AssetWise CONNECT Edition Help

To Approve a Document

Document management best practices recommends following a two-step process , often referred to as content validation and complete record verification. AssetWise supports this process by allowing one or more approvers (Responsibility type) to be associated to a document, but only one data "gatekeeper" that verifies that all the metadata and related content is correct before setting the record to "Approved".

Once a document is approved, the metadata cannot be changed until the document is revised.

For documents that are not subject to change control, errors can be corrected by un-approving the record or by adding a new revision.

Note: To approve a document, the user must have Approve permissions granted for a Document object instance permission.

Follow these steps to approve a document.

  1. Open the document that you want to approve.
  2. From the Object menu, select Approve.
    The document is marked Approved.